Hard-to-Count Resources
Below are toolkits containing information and outreach materials for each of the following hard-to-count communities. More resources will continually be added, so please check back later for more resources.
Please check out the website links below for additional HTC resources!
HTC Communities Heading link
General HTC Resources Heading link
Community Outreach Toolkit (United States Census Bureau)
National Interactive Resource: “2020 Census: Who is at Risk of Being Miscounted?” (Urban Wire)
2020 Census: Counting Everyone Once, Only Once, and in the Right Place (United States Census Bureau)
2020 Census Outreach Materials (United States Census Bureau)
Children Heading link
Why Children are Undercounted (United States Census Bureau)
State-level Homeless Data, including Homeless Students (United States Interagency Council on Homelessness)
*Note that the DoE has a different definition of homelessness than HUD and about 20,000 of CPS kids are homeless on average annually
Disabled Heading link
Disability Census Toolkit (Disability Rights California)
Get Out the Count Accessibility Toolkit (Census Counts)
Elderly Heading link
Census Resources on Older and Aging Population (United States Census Bureau)
Ethnic and Racial Minorities Resources Heading link
Faith Groups Heading link
Census 2020 Faith Toolkit (Faith in Public Life)
Higher Education Heading link
Curriculum ideas (Census 2020 and Minnesota Higher Education Network)
Campus Compact Census 2020 (Campus Compact)
For Student journalists (United States Census Bureau)
Homeless Heading link
State-level Data, including Homeless Students (United States Interagency Council on Homelessness)
*Note that the DoE has a different definition of homelessness than HUD and about 20,000 of CPS kids are homeless on average annually
International and Non-Citizens Heading link
You Count! Please fill out the Census: “Who to Count”
LGBTQ Heading link
National LGBTQ Task Force: Census 2020 (National LGBTQ Task Force)
Migrant Farmer Workers Heading link
Employment Criteria in Illinois (The Illinois Migrant Council)
Potential sources to find where migrant farm workers live (State of Illinois Data Portal)
Reentering Citizens Heading link
Illinois Parole Population Data Sets: for information on where reentering citizens are living (Illinois.gov)
“2020 Census Will Continue to Count Prisoners Where They Are Incarcerated: The decision could affect how future legislative districts are drawn.” (Huffington Post)
Renters Heading link
Renter Census Toolkit (We Count. Minnesota)
Renters Moving at Historically Low Rates (U.S. Census Bureau)
Renters at Risk of Undercount (Census Counts)
Census Questions about Renting and Homeownership (U.S. Census Bureau)
Rural Residents Heading link
Rural Communities Aren’t Immune from a Census Undercount: Here’s How They Can Prepare for 2020 (Urban Wire)
Veterans Heading link
Location of Veterans Across the US (The American Enterprise Institute)